

Hi Carol! Welcome to Londonville. After you have enough coins to by your ticket, enough information and someone to be your neighbor, you can get into the plane and fly to Londonville.

Oh, you have an Imigration Border Office request: you need a visa, some money - not coins - and a reason to be in Londonville.

Congratulations, Carol! You were awarded zero coins - in fact you are poor now - and 1000 experiences for those first tasks. You are now considered a Fresh-Londoner.

Wow, one week in Londonville and you already have two requests: find yourself a house and a job. You have no gifts, however you were awarded a Social-Londoner since you have met more than 20 people.

Hey Carol, one month later and you are a Worker-Londoner. You found yourself a house with ten pople in zone four, you found yourself a job as a waitress and you got to know 5 non-brazilians (apart from the 50 brazilians you are already really close to).

Six months Miss Carolina! Londonville is happy to award you with some coins, a lot of tips, a second job as a bartender and loaaaaaaaaaaaaaads of friends and trips. You are now what we call Non-Londoner-Londoner.

One year goes fast, righ, Carol? Your English is much better, you know around 30 'European' people, 67 Brazilains and you have your own room! You have gained two billions experiences, a good amount of coins and culture and the best friends in the whole world. You have lived London life with all you heart and we are happy to give you the Londoner-World-Citizen Ribbon.

However, now we have an important request to you: to keep on with Londonville you will have either to renew your visa or get your European citizenship. You will spend a lot of money, you will lose a lot of sleep and you will have to try hard. Are you up to it?

Congratulations Caroliiiiiiinaaaaaa. You passed your second winter. You travelled to more than 20 countries. You met more than 300 people from all over the world. You had several boyfriends. You cried a whole river of tears. You laughed kilometers of smiles. You went to amazing concerts and had wicked nights-out, house parties, exhibitions and Pub-events. You have a better job. You used to do your shopping- therapy at Primark and now you can afford Top Shop and Zara. You learned how to cook. You got used to kind-of-warm beer. You have 4000 hours inside the tube and 1300hours in double-deck buses. You had your long-suffered-distance realtionship. You are completly ok with the left-hand and with the 'British Accent'.

You have accumulated 11trillions experiences. 1million pictures. Infinite stories to tell. Loads of adventures and now...and now...and now...we do not know what to do with you anymore!

***Em homenagem as minhas amigas Carolinas - todas que dividiram e dividem Londonville experiences comigo: Carol Vespoli (Best), Carol Ursulino (London sis), Ana Carolina Zanetti (Alice in Wonderland), Carol Landrino (ou, Londrina - umbrella holder) e Anna Carolina Gomes 'Caca' ('querida, chueguei!').

Paula iss offering you a londonville thanks from the bottom of her heart :)

Sat Nam ;)

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Que fofa, meiga e linda que vc é, Miss Santomauro. I wish I could log in to Londonville right now and start a new game. I am stuck in a distance ville! Anyway, I can`t refrain myself from being a happy girl with all real memories I still and will always have about it.

You definitely got the Proper-English-Writer Ribbon!

Alice in Wonderland thanks you for sharing the wealth from your recent ribbon bonus!

Carol Campos disse...

amigaaaaaaaaaaaaa, vc tem o dom.... me fez até chorar uma lágrima... não sbe como eu sou feliz de ter na minha vida!! e isso só foi possível devido a Londonville!!!

Unknown disse...

gata,estou aqui nessa birosca mais que londovillener e meus olhos se encheram de lagrimas...
E agora? quando o rio de lagrimas vai transbordar? Qual sera nossas proximas experiencias? onde tiraremos as proximas fotos? quem agente vai conhecer? quem serao as proximas visitas? E os planos?....
Rebola, rebola, rebolaaaaaaaaaaaaa
O resto umbre, so o tempo.....que nessas alturas ja nem sei se eh bom ou ruim.
Quando sai nossa tatoo???